Updates, guides and everything beneficial for our readers
UNCX Network is the industry standard for liquidity lockers, token vesting and presale launchpads. With us, investors and project creators enjoy peace of mind from knowing that they’re operating on an established platform.
How do you maximize the attractiveness of your project and ensure investor trust? Liquidity locking plays a huge component here and is one of the most distinguishable signallers of project trustworthiness. Every project, especially presales, should be locking some of their liquidity.
Introducing the UNCX Info Bot to help you nurture your relationship with your community! As you know, we provide secure tools to help you launch your community and build their trust & loyalty. We’ve created this bot to help our users maximize these efforts by sharing and amplifying important lock, vesting and farm information.
Greetings UNCX Community!
Dear UNCX community, ecosystem, and partners,
Every single day, decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and PancakeSwap combine for around $1B USD in total volume. This monetary total and the decentralized nature of the blockchain open countless windows of opportunity for amazing DeFi protocols and unmatched financial gain.
Dear UNCX Network community, As always, we hope this article finds you well! Today, we’re announcing a significant shift in our ecosystem. Effective immediately, we are discontinuing our secondary token, $UNCL, and integrating its functions into our primary utility token, $UNCX.
Dear UNCX Network Users,
We are excited to announce the release of TaxToken (ENMT v2) featuring AntiBot and a Lossless integration. This new minter creates fully customizable ERC20 tokens and gives launchers full control over their lifecycle. Let’s explore this release in detail.
We recently launched our liquidity locking support on top of UniSwap v3 and there are some new concepts to learn. In this short article, we dive into the important considerations and opportunities that UniSwap v3 has brought to liquidity locking.
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